The Womb Health Organization

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Join Healing the Womb

"When Women Reclaim the Wisdom, Knowledge & Power of the Womb ~ the World Shall Know True Peace, Freedom & Prosperity"

~ Xi EarthStar Healer

The Womb Health Organization

is born out of a Prayer to return Womb Wisdom to Every Woman on Earth by Bridging Ancient Wisdom, Knowledge & Temple Arts into Modern understanding.

The Womb Health Organization (WHO) is a living Temple for Holy Mother's Womb Stargate teachings. Through this I have helped thousands of spiritual women heal complex sexual trauma, live menstrual pain-free, overcome infertility, fall in love with being a Woman & achieve a Life of Joy, Creative Freedom & Embodied Power in Female Form.

The WHO Mission is to Return Womb Wisdom to All Women on Earth, and Restore Divine Harmony, Peace & Prosperity to the Womb of Mother Earth for All of Life.

See Our Courses

The Most Profound, Comprehensive & Effective Female Sexual Healing Program On Earth

See Our Courses

Unlock the Power of Your Womb

Through Womb Wisdom, Daoist Inner Alchemy, Sexual Healing & Lightbody Repair

Healing the Womb Level 1: 
Complex Sexual Healing

An Introductory Self-Healing course focused on healing complex sexual trauma from birth, childhood, adolescent, religious, and cultural impressions.

$222 ~ Get Details

Healing the Womb Level 2:
Miracle Womb Medicine

Deepening our healing journey of spiritual, medical and past-life sexual trauma, and remembering the miracle healing capabilities of our Womb Intelligence.

$333 ~ Get Details

Healing the Womb Level 3:
Womb Wealth Creation

Awakening the Creation Power of your Womb, and learn to create Wealth through a Successful, Feminine-led Business & live a Life of Purpose + Service to Life!

$555 ~ Get Details...

Special Training:
Oracle Voice

Discover the intimate connection between the Womb and our Voice, and how when these centers harmonize and express in Unison, we create Magical Ripples in the World.

$144 ~ Get Details...
Get The Entire Collection Discount! ~ $777

Meet Your Mentor...

Xi EarthStar Healer —

World Renowned Spiritual Healer, Mentor & Educator

My journey to becoming a Master Healer began when I was 17 years old - locked in the hospital for a suicide attempt, severe depression, and an eating disorder. I learned quickly that to Live, I will have to learn to Heal my Self.

Having gone through nearly every kind of sexual trauma throughout my life, I spent a decade exploring alternative healing methods and learning from my Ancestors.

This profound work I now share with Spiritual Women All Over the World, helped me Create the Life of Ease, Pleasure, Freedom & Purpose I Live today...

And I can teach you how to Do The Same!

Since 2018, I have served over 500+ clients in private sessions, and 2000+ students inside my live and recorded courses. I have seen Miracle upon Miracle unfold for my clients, who are simply re-aligning to the Wisdom of their own Body and Soul, and remembering their innate abilities to Self Heal.

I have witnessed countless women dissolve tumors, reverse infertility, live totally free of debilitating menstrual pain. Release the pain of childbirth trauma, abandonment, and medical procedures. Align to their Soul Purpose and inner power, and create a life of Prosperity while living from their Soul.

See library of video testimonials below!

These results cannot be promised because they depend on the Inner Work of each individual. I can show you the Way, but you must Walk the Path.

Authentic Daoist Tantra

Throughout the fall of consciousness and patriarchal dominance on Earth, most teachings currently available on sacred sexuality are distorted from their Original intent.

Through meditation, initiation, dream-time & telepathy with the Souls of my Children, we are bringing back the Original Teachings at a time when a higher consciousness around Sexuality is so deeply needed.

These courses are for Women who genuinely desire to Live in Integrity with the Divine, who aren't looking for a manifestation ritual but are more focused on how Her Healing, Freedom & Unique Gifts can Serve Humanity.

The Amazing Story of Healing the Womb →
See Our Courses

More Ways to Work With Xi


EarthStar Academy

Comprehensive 3-Year Curriculum in Self, Lineage & Planetary Healing, Divine Union Mysteries & Soul Purpose Activation. Massive Library of healings, meditations & journeys. Monthly LIVE QnAs, workshops, healings & community gatherings.

Join the EarthStar Academy Membership ~ $89/m

Personal Mentorship

3 Month Personal Healing, Transformation & Mentorship. High-level support in healing, ascension, business & more, for an Embodied Woman on a Mission.
Highly limited spots & by application only.

Apply For Personal Mentorship

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What Is A Medicine Container?

A medicine container is a sacred space and intentional prayer set through a specific length of time for deep healing and inner inquiry. Healing takes time and the body needs space to move through its many processes and layers for deep transformation to occur.  A Medicine Container holds us in a scalar-plasma field of Divine Love and Healing Intent and is a continuous Prayer and ceremonial fire established over a length of enough time (9 weeks) to witness true deep healing to transpire in magical co-ordination and alignment with our Life's movement and flow. In a way it is akin to a 9-week medicine journey where we focus on one specific area of exploration - in this case our Womb and her Healing & Highest restoration. This can be an extraordinarily transformational experience.


How Does A 9-Week Medicine Container Compare To 1-on-1 Sessions?

Group medicine containers often provide immeasurably more healing, growth and transformation due to the sheer power of the group field. It is built from the joining together of Powerful women from all over the world which amplifies healing power by 1000x.

Once the container is open, it is a holographic scalar-plasma field which organically works with our own soul over an entire 9 week period. This allows the body time to process, ebb and flow through many cycles of healing, allowing the Miracle Frequency Medicine to journey through all the layers and levels of our physical and lightbodies for 9 weeks. Sessions usually last only 2 hours, so the effects are limited.

You will get to share and receive feedback and support from other women sharing the journey with you in our community forum throughout the entire course (and onwards)

We'll be moving through 42 individual transmissions, and release an incredible list of woundings, traumas, distortions and implant systems which we just wouldn’t be able to get to in 1, or even 5, personal sessions.


Can I Join via recordings?  What if I can’t join live due to work or timezone differences?
You can absolutely still benefit greatly from participating via recordings, which will be available promptly after the livestreams.  Many sisters are coming together in different timezones who will be participating through the recordings.

The members' area forum and app will provide ample of personal engagement and circles to share homework assignments and support, even if you can't make it to the live calls.  You can also ask questions in a specific forum channel ! 💕

Our suggestion would be to commit to yourself to catch up on the recordings and move with the group weekly so you can take advantage of the community support and engagement, and see if there are any sessions that especially call to you, to join live once in a while or when you can.